

Souvenir market takes a big part of tourism market share in any country with rich cultural heritage. The common souvenirs around historic sites normally release in the shape of small badges or sculptures of that historic site or, some handcrafts which are relative of the local culture or of the general specific culture of that nation. This study uses system service and UX design methodologies(explain), to increase the interaction between user and souvenir provider through creating an online personalizable souvenir system which expands existed local market to international global market. Parametric design is used as a tool for generating personalizable algorithms of geometries. The final designed system enables the user to personalize his/her demanding souvenir in and from the historic site. In another word the system provides design capacities for any user in any level of design knowledge to make his/her own desired design while committed to stay with the original geometries.

Parametric design as a personalizing tool

Today’s consumers are well educated and highly demanding. They have begun to seek products that not only meet functional requirements, but also satisfy their affective needs. As a result, personalized product designs have become a market trend nowadays. Soft products such as garments, wearing accessories, and shoes are important means for reflecting personal styles and tastes, and thus have a strong need for design customization and personalization (C.H. Lo, 2012). Most commercial items available in today’s market are still designed by companies that may not consider the preferences of consumers or their specific needs. A critical problem behind this situation is the lack of proper design references and communication platforms for instant access to individual design requirements (S.H. Huang, 2012). Designers have begun to improve product designs using the results derived from anthropometric data. Their typical approach is to determine key design parameters based on the results, or to do sizing accordingly. Parametric modeling is a common engineering design technique used for constructing 2D or 3D component models of regular shapes. (Chih-Hsing Chu, 2017) In this study parametric design is considered as an engine for running parameterized algorithms of Islamic architectures decorative elements of Iran. The parametric platform used in this study is Rhino grasshopper.